Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wheres Me Pot of Gold and Lucky Charms?

We already know this from our history books. If you want to make money today, you must first look back in time to the first time in history that a large portion of our country all tried to get rich at the same time in the same place. The first discovery of gold was at Sutter's Mill by James W. Marshall in 1948, Mr. Sutter's mill contractor and builder. This discovery sprang thousands upon thousands of ambitious individuals to get rich which we refer to as the "Gold Rush."

As you can imagine, these people were not that much different from the thousands of new entrepreneurs trying to get rich on the Internet. But out of all those thousands of people seeking their fortunes, only about 4% to 6% of them even found enough gold to feed themselves. And history books tell us that less than 1% ever became wealthy. This is so similar to the Internet of today that the two are worth comparing.

BUT Wait! A completely different group of people became extremely wealthy in those exact same gold fields...

Who were these people who managed to get rich during those hard times?

They were the people who opened little stores not far from where all the people were digging and panning for gold! These people were the smartest group because they chose to sell the tools that they knew all those gold diggers were going to need. This special group of individuals some how knew that it was a waste of time to dig and pan for gold. This amazing group of people wanted something with better odds. They wanted a sure thing!

They knew that the miners couldn't mine unless they had clothing, tools, and food. So these genius store owners made their fortunes selling the shovels, jackets, pants, wheel barrows, picks, pans, beer, food, hats, medicine and etc. So it didn't matter to them if a miner found gold and got rich or whether that miner couldn't find an ounce of gold. It just didn't matter to the men and women who owned the stores because no matter what, all those people in search of gold still needed massive amounts of supplies to live and more tools to keep trying. The shopkeepers were always there to sell all these supplies!

Whether gold was found or not, during any given day, the shop keepers made the same consistent amount of solid income!

Below you're about to find out why all this is relevant to you and your Internet income.

You now know that history has proven that if you do exactly what the masses of people are doing to get rich, you'll most likely fail. And you now know that if you provide products or services to that large group of people that are all trying to get rich, you'll most likely become wealthy. It's simple! Turn those gold diggers into your customers!

Just for a moment, separate yourself from the rest of them - sit back and relax. While sitting there, watch what they are doing; pay attention to what they are looking for and what they are using to get it. Once you have figured these things out you will know what to do to turn them into your customers.

But in case you don't, here's the simple answer to how you're about to turn all of today's Internet gold diggers into your own customers. First of all, you must ask yourself this question: "What is the single most important thing to all of today's Internet gold diggers? What do they crave and desire the most?"

The answer is "Traffic." In case you're new to the Internet, the word "Traffic," of course, means visitors to your web site. It doesn't take Internet marketers long to figure out that even though they have a professional web site up, not a single person is ever going to visit that web site unless it gets advertised. You have to know where to get traffic and generate MORE traffic.

With all that in mind, I'm about to discuss a very important subject and it may be very controversial to some, and even cause me to lose a few customers but I MUST make my point.

You hear this from people around you, your teachers, your advisors, even television, "knowledge is power." Do you agree?

Please explain.

I've asked a few people this same question and some have explained, "Well, yeah, without knowledge you have no authority."

"Well, it's obvious, without knowledge you have no power."

"Knowledge is what gets the job done in your everyday task."

While these are good explanations, I disagree. You're baffled. Totally understandable because I'm probably the only person on Earth standing up to this worldwide, coined phrase. So I better begin explaining myself before I start receiving hate mails. Allow me to explain by using an example.


Can you agree electricity is power? It has the power to turn your lights on, it's what plays your radio, and it's what starts up your car. Or does it? Electricity doesn't just magically turn your light on, automatically play your radio nor does it mysteriously start your engine. No. The electricity HAS TO BE APPLIED.

Like electricity, knowledge doesn't magically write your sales letter, knowledge doesn't automatically file your folders and knowledge doesn't mysteriously tune up your car. It has to be "APPLIED."

"Where are you going with this," you might ask.

Simply this, "knowledge" is only POTENTIAL POWER. All the knowledge that you hold within you is nothing unless you put it to use. That's it. If after reading this article and you decide to do nothing then you will have wasted your time and effort. Unless you apply what I've taught you, you will have thrown away your money. You can learn from my 4 years of experience or you can ignore it, the choice is yours.

I'm not here to change your mind about anything, I'm just pointing out important aspects to consider and I can only hope it has opened your mind and drive you to take action.

Van Lam is a business opportunity reviewer who speaks his mind and shares his thoughts. He has written a new ebook called, "The Hidden Secrets Revealed." Visit his web site to read the reviews and register at his Private Forum for plenty of free products to download and to chat with other network marketers and online opportunity enthusiasts.

Juice - Scam of the Decade or Opportunity of the Century

If you are an ardent web surfer and MLMer like I am, then I am sure you would have seen the sales pitch "Give away free broadband and earn £27 GBP each time".

Depending on which side of the fence you are, this product is either God's gift to freebies enthusiasts, MLMers and all paying ISP subscribers or it is the biggest scam yet, bar none.

For those still in the dark, let me fill in the blanks for you. A new ISP service will be launched in October 2004 that will be offering its subscribers internet connections at speeds "Faster than Broadband". This service will be available worldwide and get this, you can now get a free connection just by submitting your name and email address.

Among other things, JUICE:

- Will work with any PC or Mac with 9600 kbps modem upwards.

- Will work with any Internet connection including dial-up,
ISDN, BROADBAND, GSM, GPRS and wireless connections in
any country as long as you have a telephone line.

- Requires no cabling, engineers and no need to alter your
PC in any way.

- Guarantees connection speeds 40 times faster than dial-up
and 4 times faster than broadband.

- Promises that you will never have to pay for this service
if you sign up before October 1, 2004.

For those who are not too technologically savvy, I guess you will ask "What's wrong with that? Sign me up!"

Here is where the detractors of "JUICE" smell a SCAM - and I will excuse your outright laughter at these claims.

- You will never see another dead, blank or irrelevant page
ever again and if you do, they will pay you £500 GBP.

- You will NOT get another Spam email EVER, but if you do
they will pay you £100 GBP in compensation.

- You are guaranteed to get a minimum connection speed of 2MB
with 100% uptime. If Juice fail to meet either or both they
will pay you £500 GBP per failure.

- YOU will NEVER receive a virus or worm in your email inbox
again as Juice operate up to the millisecond software to
stop the same, but if you do get one they will pay you £500
GBP compensation.

- JUICE will be able to block every porn and adult site on
the Internet if you choose to filter it and if they fail,
you will be paid £200 GBP per reported instance.

- JUICE can STOP your child from chatting to people who
pretend to be children in chat rooms by using amazing
breakthrough IP filtration and parenthesis technology.

Amazingly, this company promises to pay you £27 GBP for every person who you introduce to this service and they are accepting 80 million free subscribers by October 2004. They will also pay each affiliate £1.79 GBP for each person their downline introduces for ten levels down. Assuming they meet their target and my math is correct, that is in excess of £ 2 billion payment even before the product is launched!.

Scam, or the opportunity of the century? You can decide for yourself by visiting these two websites for more details. The first promotes Juice while the second expresses opinion of its detractors.

If you find this opportunity too tempting to ignore you may wish to take the precaution of not providing Email addresses you have used to set up your Paypal, Stormpay or other secure transaction account.
Similarly, it may not be advisable to provide details of bank accounts and credit cards if in doubt.

As one MLMer promoting JUICE points out, if you take the right precautions you can only be scammed out of your email address. His advice for the ultra-cautious, open a throwaway email account.

Eservices & Globalsales Inc.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Why Most Advertisements Stink!

Question: What do you think the most important part of any ad is?

Your company name? Your telephone number? Your offer?

Look at your own advertising. What stands out? What is in the largest print? If it's your company name or logo hold out your wrist so I can whack it with a stick.

What's the answer? THE HEADLINE!!

You see, without a good compelling headline it won't matter much how great your copy or you offer is, because few will ever read it.

REMEMBER: The Only Job Of A Headline Is To Get The Reader To Read The First Paragraph.

It should be big, bold, dark and easy to read. But more importantly, it must force the reader to read on.


How do you know you have a powerful, effective headline?

Here's a great acid test: separate the headline from everything else, out of context, and treat it as a classified ad; nothing but the headline and a response instruction....then ask yourself if people would respond.

So if your headline is, say, the name of your company, the classified ad would read:

"Acme Mortgage, No. 1 in service
and reliability. For more info,
call 1-800-000-0000."

Trust me, that does NOT work.

But if the headline is;

"6 Things You Must Know Before Getting
A Home Mortgage. Free Report Tells All.
Call 1-800-000-0000".

That does work.

Put every headline you use in your ads, letters, flyers, brochures to this test.

Tips For Stronger Headlines

1. Telegraph a dynamic benefit or promise.

(You want to evoke emotion in every advertisement, always answering the reader's questions, "What's in it for me? And why should I continue reading this?")

Example: "You Can Laugh At Money Worries -- If You Follow This Simple Plan"

2. Add "How To" to the beginning.

Example: "How To Escape the Debt Rat-Race And Get Debt-Free, Fast....."

3. "Flag" your targeted prospects. Let them know who the ad is talking too.

Example: "Credit Card Payment Sufferers: How To End The Pain In 3 Days!"

4. Arouse curiosity.

Example: "What Your Banker Doesn't Want You To Know"

5. Use meaningful specifics.

(3 days is more "specific" than "in days").

Example: "I Instantly Saved $103,239.83 and Never Took The TV Remote Out Of My Hand"

6. Use powerful attention-grabbing words.

(Like "Warning", "Guaranteed", "New", "Now.")

Example: "WARNING: Credit Card Users May Be Paying To Much"

For a free instant reference guide that reveals time tested formulas to create dynamite, attention-getting headlines visit:

Shawn Meldrum has spent the last two decades marketing everything from almonds to landscape lighting.  He currently specializes in marketing for mortgage brokers, loan officers and real estate agents.  For free mortgage marketing articles and much more visit:

How To Tame The Buying Beast Inside Your Customer

What if you can understand and control your customer's mind? What if you can influence, persuade and motivate your customers to buy from you? Well, I'm not talking about a magic trick or lay down a lesson of motivation. It's about understanding the different reactions made by the human mind in various situations. I'm going to briefly discuss 3 key aspects of psychological secrets that you can apply in your promotion efforts for a certain increase in customer response. They are,

1. Curiosity
2. Because / Reason Why
3. Greed


What is it? Curiosity can be defined as "the desire to know the unexplored" in simple terms. People want to know things that many others don't know. They like to discover the 'secrets' that only some people know. The desire to know is a compelling force in marketing, so we have:

* Secrets of the Diet Industry Uncovered
* What Time Share Companies Don't Want You To Know
* Msteries of A Youthful Appearance Revealed
* The Hidden Keys of Car Buying

People don't want

* How to Diet Successfully or
* A Guide to Buying Cars

for example. First set of titles surely outshines the second set of titles because the former takes advantage of curiosity. You must design your advertising in a way that arouses curiosity. Getting to see the powerful of curiosity? (When compared the two sets above)

Because / Reason Why

Telling people a valid reason for your action is another great influencer in human behavior. People will trust you if you can offer a reason for what you are doing. Say you offer a 50% discount on your digital cameras for the last 10 days in this month. People are too smart today and start to think it's probably because you want to get rid of your defective products or because its 2 days before the expiry date (in case of food items). Wouldn't you and I think the same way when we see a similar message?

Give them a true believable reason. For example, let's say you have a slow time of the year and you want to increase your business during this period. Make a special, limited time offer. Offer to throw in an extra free bonus or a special discount simply because it's your "slow time" and you need to pay your staff anyway.

Don't you think people will believe it? If you can give a solid reason for a particular action, people will have no doubts about what you say - there is simply very little room for doubt.


People are greedy. I'm not talking about food but 'greedy' in a marketing perspective. Everybody feels from "what's in it for me" syndrome. They really want to know how your product can benefit them. Notice that, the "customer's will buy benefits and not products". Confused? You'll see what I mean in a minute.

Analyze the following list of benefits written about a digital camera.

* Can store over 200 photos
* Supports every color you can see
* Manual included so you can start even if you have no previous experience

This will certainly open the eyes of a person who has an idea of bu'ying a camera one day. This is in complete contrast to the following, where the 'product' is described.

* Has a memory of 6000k
* Supports 16-bit colors
* 60-page manual included

Customers don't want a memory of 6000k, but they want to store 200 photos. Get it? You must clearly tell the customer how will they benefit by bu'ying your produc't. You can then describe the prod'uct itself, when they are looking for more information.

To make this point clearer, understand that,

"Customer's will bu'y benefits and 'not' the features."

Okay.. Whats the difference between features and benefits? Features describe the product itself - what it has. Benefits describe the advantages a customer gets by bu'ying the product. The first list above is a benefits list and the second is a features list.

Benefits will drive customers to explore more information about the product. This is when you should give them the features and describe the product itself. To summarize, get customers into looking for more info by telling them the benefits and then describe the prod'uct. This will assure the best results.

I laid out just 3 powerful tactics here. There are many more 'explored' and 'unexplored' secrets, and hope you can discover a few too. Please let me know if you do. I hope this information was helpful to you and wish you good luck and success in your future mark'eting efforts.

Fahad Hassen is the publisher of "Forbidden Psychological Secrets" eBook, which has over 25 proven secrets of controlling your customer's 'subconcoius' mind and influencing them to buy from you.

Visit his site at
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